ShmooCon 2013 Ticket Giveaway
You heard right – Urbane has an extra ShmooCon ticket to give away, and in traditional give-away spirit, we’re throwing a mini-contest for it. Since time is limited, we’ll keep it fun, easily accessible, and fast.
The “How Do You Hack?” Photo Contest
We’ve seen 100s of horrid photos of hackers with their ski masks and their crazy GUIs. So it’s your turn to show peeps how you pwn (for real or for the lulz). So here’s how you win a free ShmooCon ticket:
- Take a photo of you, your setup, or the cool stuff you’ve been working on.
- Upload the photo online and submit a link using the form to the right –>
- . . . .
The Details
It’s that easy! We’ll pick one of our favorites – the coolest, the funniest, or the weirdest and we’ll provide you a coveted ShmooCon Ticket! Obviously there are some rules and details, and here they are:
- Contest Starts Monday, January 28th, 2013. All Entries Must Be Submitted by 12:00PM CST on February 1st.
- Submit a photo of “how you hack” to
. This can be of you, your setup, you in a ski mask, you in cyberpunk, your bag of pwnage, you hacking from a crazy location, or other crazyness. Honestly, any somewhat relevant photo will do. We’re not going to be sticklers about it. - On Friday, February 1st at 12:01 PM, we’ll look through the submissions and pick one. We don’t know how we’ll be selecting it since we dont know what will be submitted. We’ll probably pick one that’s the coolest, funniest, wierdest, or leetest.
- The winner of the ticket will have to pick up said ticket at ShmooCon in person Thursday night or Friday Morning/Afternoon. And it must be the winner. No friends, family, next of kin, intern, minion, or random person you decided to sell the ticket to. We’ll setup a meetup and provie a phone number to sync up at the Shmoo hotel.
- If you need to explain your photo (i.e. your leetness), do so in the image. Footer or pointers. But the best photos don’t need explanation
- It must be YOUR photo. No stealing others stuff.
- We’re not judgmental on quality. Use your Phone, Webcam, DSLR, or Sony Camera that still takes Floppies.
- Upload it anywhere publicly accessible. Your website, imgur, flickr, instagram, or the like works.
- Yes, Your photo can be photoshopped beyond realistic comprehension. It does not need to be though.
- No, your photo does not have to be realistic and can be completely ironic. Ski Masks, Rollerblades, lock picks, radios, and payphones are totally acceptable, and even encouraged.
- By submitting an image, you give Urbane permission to copy and display said image in relation to this contest. It’s your photo though, and we’ll obviously cite as such
Now before you even have to ask, the answer is No.
- We’re not signing you up for any kind of sales list.
- You don’t have to follow us on Facebook or Twitter to win (although if you choose to do so, it makes you an awesome person).
- We’re not going to use your submitted content claiming it as our own.
- There’s no strings attached to the ticket (other than the ones stated above).
The Results
The winner was @theKos with his Home Garage Hacker Space
As messy as it was, we were impressed with the setup. Congrats Kos!
If for some reason theKos doesn’t respond or decides he wants to pass on the ticket, the following are our runners up:
2nd Place: @nerd_monkey – It takes guts to wear that in the office every day
3rd Place: @_CRV – Bannana phone is always win