DEF CON 23, Black Hat USA 2015, and BSides Vegas 7
Join the Urbane Security team in Vegas this August 3rd to August 9th, 2015 for DEF CON 23, Black Hat 2015, and BSidesLV 7. Our large lineup of events include:
An Urbane Private Affair at the Urbane Suite
Monday Night – 7pm to Midnight at the Urbane Suite
For the 4th year in a row, start the week off right with an escape from the Black Hat conference floor. The Urbane Suite is located at the Palms Place hotel, overlooking the strip from just the right distance. Craft Cocktails, Quality Food, and Chill music is always to be found Monday Night.
This event is a private invite-only event. To request an invite, please reach out to the Urbane Events team at events [at] UrbaneSecurity.com.
BSides Las Vegas Official Badge Contest
Tuesday through Thursday at the Tuscany Casino and Hotel
As the official Badge sponsor of BSides Las Vegas, Urbane has put together this years badge contest. Ranging in challenges from digital to physical, cryptography to history, it is bound to test your skills in various domains. Check out the BSides Badge for more details on how to compete!
First place prize includes hotel accommodations and an Amex gift card for flights to return to BSides Las Vegas next year and Second Place price includes an Amex gift card.
Dinner with the Urbane Crew
Tuesday Night, 7pm at Undisclosed Location
Already an Urbane client? Enjoy quality food and conversation? Keep an eye on your email for a special dinner invitation for Tuesday night.
“Seeing through the Fog” at DEF CON 23
Thursday, 12:00 at DEF CON Track 4
Stop by DEF CON Thursday to see Urbane Founding Partner Zack Fasel give his talk “Seeing Through the Fog”, reviewing the problems and solutions for cloud security.
Yes. “The Cloud” (drink). Even though many of us would much like to see use of public clouds decline, they’re not going away any time soon. And with such, a plethora of companies now have revolutionary new solutions to solve your “cloud problems”. From crypto to single sign on with two step auth, proxies to monitoring and DLP, every vendor has a solution, even cloud based for the cloud!
What we haven’t seen is much of an open source or community lead solution to these problems. So let’s change that.
Zack will review the laundry list of security problems with various cloud providers (and their pluthera of APIs), provide some easy fixes to the common issues seen, and introduce a few new open source tools to help monitor and defend the data and access in the wild.
Industry Appreciation Party at DEF CON 23
Thursday, 6pm to 11pm at the Urbane Suite
Starting at 6 p.m. and continuing until 11 p.m., enjoy drinks, music, Chipotle, and awesome company at the Urbane Suite acknowledging the accomplishments and contributions of individuals for the betterment of the security industry and community. RSVPs are required in advance at https://events.urbanesecurity.com/DC15/.
DEF CON Black and White Ball
Saturday, 1am to 2am to the DEF CON Party in Sky View 5&6
Still holding through the whole weekend? Stop on by the Black and White Ball at DEF CON’s Sky View 5&6 to catch Erin Jacobs and Zack Fasel DJing to close out DEF CON. As the last set DEF CON music set of the weekend, it’ll be your final chance to work out your dancing shoes. Check out a sample of music to be heard at https://soundcloud.com/secbarbie/swinging-saturday.