Get Out And Vote!
Election Night, 2016
A vote for anyone is a vote for the EFF
This election day, we celebrate in the US our freedom and democratic process. Fighting for our freedom in the digital space are our friends at the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF.org). That’s why this election day, Urbane will donate $1 to the EFF for each person who tweets their “I Voted” sticker (or like evidence) with the hashtag #InfosecVotes.
Unlike your Facebook friends, we’re not here to judge you for voting for Hillary, Trump, Johnson, Stein, or your write in for John Stewart. Vote for your President. Vote for your Senators and Representatives. Vote for your local issues. Whether you’re left, right, in the middle, or off the spectrum, your vote is your voice, and a vote for anyone this week is a vote for the EFF.
And now, a few notes about this drive.
Urbane Security will donate $1 per verifiable individual (sorry Twitter botnets of toasters and tea kettles) to the Electronic Frontier Foundation up to USD $5000 with the hashtag #InfosecVotes along with an “I Voted” sticker or similar proof of vote. Your tweet and picture must be posted by November 9th at 23:59 Eastern Time.